Relationship Between CSR and HR

Figure 01: Corporate Social Responsibility (Baker, 2012)

The concept of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is that a company has a responsibility to do good. CSR refers to a company's ability to self-regulate and be socially accountable to its customers, stakeholders, and the general public.

What is CSR in HRM?

CSR is a business model that allows a firm to be socially accountable to itself, its community, and its stakeholders. This business model aims to make a beneficial impact on society, the economy, and the environment. (bambooHR, n,d)

However, corporate social responsibility can be incorporated as a strategic process in organizations with human resource management to recover and sustain the organization's development. (Siddiqi et al., 2021)

Environmental, Ethical, Philanthropic and Economic are the four types of corporate social responsibilities.

HR's Role in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility

Human resource departments are crucial in ensuring that a company's Corporate Social Responsibility plans are implemented. Furthermore, HR can oversee the CSR plan's implementation and acceptance, as well as document and celebrate its success across the organization. (whatishumanresource, n,d)

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility

Increased employee satisfaction - How a company treats its community reveals a lot about how it treats its employees. People who feel respected and supported at work are more likely to be productive and satisfied. Allowing your employees to volunteer, particularly during working hours, fosters a sense of community within your organization as well as a connection to the surrounding community. Through these personal-development opportunities, employees will gain motivation and pride in their work. (Russel, 2018)

Improved public image - Companies that demonstrate corporate social responsibility are gaining exposure — and praise — for their involvements in today's digital era. The reputation of your brand can only benefit from good deeds in your community. Consider this: Consumers feel good when they buy products and services from companies that help their community. (Russel, 2018)

Increased customer loyalty - Customers are more likely to be loyal to your brand if your corporate values are similar to their own. CSR programs are designed to highlight your company's values and indicate that teamwork, community involvement, and engagement are among your top priorities. (Russel, 2018)

Increased creativity - Employees will feel empowered to contribute to the larger picture as a result of their social involvement. They might come up with new product or internal process ideas, or they might come up with innovative problem-solving solutions. Employees will feel driven (and supported) to find new and better methods to conduct their jobs if you demonstrate your company's ideals and enthusiasm through community contributions. (Russel, 2018)


Human resource managers must embrace CSR and begin implementing strategies to foster a more inclusive and responsive culture that allows a company to do more than just make money. This is only possible if CSR is implemented as a culture within an organization rather than just as a strategy. (Kaur, 2011)


Baker (2012) Four Emerging trends in corporate social responsibility [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]

Kaur (2011) Relationship between CSR and HR [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]

bambooHR (n,d) Corporate Social Responsibility [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]

Siddiqi, Mirani, Nasim, Shamshir & Nisar, 2021, 'The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Review', vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 1, viewed 30 April 2022],,and%20sustain%20the%20organization's%20development.

Russel (2018) Why CSR: Four Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]

whatishumanresource (n,d) HR’s Role in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]

YouTube (2021) CSR: What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Definition Examples Benefits [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30 April 2022]


  1. HR management is also crucial in effectively integrating CSR into the company's culture. you have nicely described the benefits of CRS. Good Luck Jaliya!

  2. As discussed, CSR enables organisations to create a positive outlook for stakeholders. It also helps to connect with customers and other businesses in a positive way. It also enables to build the brand image among customers. Good article Jaliya.

    1. CSR will enable organisations to increase their reputation. Thank you for your comment.

  3. HR may oversee the CSR plan's execution and adoption, as well as document and celebrate the plan's success across the organization. Brand recognition will also benefit from CSR. best wishes!!!

  4. Corperate social responsibility is creating a strong business and building a better world, are the two major important things for the long term success. I have gained more ideas through your article. Best of luck.

  5. Customer satisfaction and employee retention are two of the most critical parts of any successful business, and CSR can help company engage with customers more effectively. A strong community relationship is required for a successful CSR strategy, and improved consumer engagement will increase customer base and profitability. good article.

    1. Exactly, you have clearly explained about the ways a company can effectively engage in CSR. Thank you.

  6. The HR department plays a key role in the internal corporate social responsibilities within an organization. It is an important aspect in any business as it can aid in reducing employee turnover and increasing employee loyalty to an organization. Great article. Good luck.

  7. Businesses that embrace corporate social responsibility are encouraged to operate ethically and to consider the social and environmental consequences of their activities. The corporation helps the community as a result of this. Good Luck

  8. I appreciate you all for providing you valuable feedback about CSR & HR. Thank you.


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