Employee Retention and Retention Strategies

Figure 01: Employee Retention (hrmpractice.com, 2017) What Is Employee Retention? Employee retention is described as an organization's capacity to prevent employee turnover, or the number of employees who quit their work, either voluntarily or involuntarily, within a given period of time. (Holliday, 2021) Why Is Employee Retention Important In HR? Employee retention can save a company's productivity. Workplaces with high retention rates tend to employ more engaged employees, who get more done as a result. Engaged employees are more likely to improve customer relationships, and teams that have had time to gel are also more productive. (Holliday, 2021) Benefits of Employee Retention Figure 02: 10 Benefits of Employee Retention (Holliday, 2022) Strategies to Improve Employee Retention Hire Strategically - Investing in the right hires from the start is critical to ensuring that your recruiting and training investments aren't squandered. Indeed, bad hiring decisions ...